Audioplexus Mastering Studio Contact

Telephones :020-8980-8947 : 07940791739 .......................07812608387

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You can also find us on Skype user name: audioplexus

Skype web address

Where are we Audioplexus is located in London E3 (city) its about 20 minutes from the west end you can get there by Bus , the underground or DLR train also close to the City airport.

AudiopleXus also does restoration - declicking, denoising, dehissing.
Sync AD/DA - Transfer DAT to CD - 1/4" tape to CD-DVD or DAT - Stereo to 5.1,
Record to
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State of the art mastering studio London UK +44(0)20-8980-8947 Photo by Owen Davies Navcool group Plc All Right Reserved 2004 2012.